100 Days, 100 Drawings


There sat down, once, a thing on Henry’s heart
só heavy, if he had a hundred years
& more, & weeping, sleepless, in all them time
Henry could not make good.
— John Berryman, "Dream Song 29," The Dream Songs (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1991)

Phrases: to make good

(a) To put right a deficiency. (b) To compensate or atone for. (c) To repay (something that is owed). (d) To replace, repair, or restore to good condition (something damaged, faulty, or worn); to repair (damage); to fill or raise something up to a specified level. (e) Pokerintr. To increase one’s existing bet, esp. an ante or blind, to match the amounts already bet by other players; to call. (f) To prove (something, as a statement, a charge, a boast, etc.) To be true or valid; to demonstrate the truth of; to substantiate. (g) To make one's position, status, etc., secure; to carry out one's aim or purpose successfully; to hold one's own in a battle. (h) To make secure against attack; to gain and maintain (one's ground, a position, etc.). Also: to secure (a prisoner). (i) To carry out successfully. (j) To fulfil (a promise, obligation, threat, etc.). (k) To succeed in carrying out (an action, one's purpose) or following (one's course or path); now usually in To make good one's escape. (l) To satisfy expectations or requirements; to do what has been promised or is expected. To deliver (also come up with, produce) the goods. (m) With become. To become good for: To take responsibility for another's performance of an undertaking; to stand surety. 

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